UAV Industry Integration

SafetyDrone is active in working with partners to provide the tools you need to optimize your workflow. With our drone log importation tools, API’s and Web Services we integrate with many of the key drone hardware and software players listed below. As we grow, we will be continuing to integrate key features and functionality to stay ahead of the curve. We recognize that the industry isn’t standing still and neither should we.

Some Hardware Support

skydio teledyne-FLIR sony skyfish Dronetag EvolveDynamics Swissdrones

Some Software Support


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The SafetyDrone solution is based on a cloud infrastructure with secure data storage, online web application accompanied by our mobile application for offline access and easy synchronisation with your cloud based account. In addition, the mobile app provides you with access to the latest airspace status updates, local weather and solar index reading that might affect your operations. Finally, you can create custom reports tracking flights, drones, pilots and more.